Thursday, February 10, 2011

If We Celebrated Valentines Day, This Bed's Too Big

"Baby this bed's too big/ We don't need all this room/ I like you nice and close/ cause heaven knows/ morning comes too soon." ~Joe Nichols, Written by Victoria Shaw and Gary Burr

We don't celebrate Valentines Day in our house. I've always disliked the Hallmark holiday and being happily married hasn't changed that.

If we did celebrate Valentines Day, rented a log cabin in the woods for the occasion, ate dinner by candlelight and then made love in front of a fire on a sheepskin rug, I'd want Joe Nichol's "This Bed's Too Big" to be playing in the background.

Unfortunately, "This Bed's Too Big" is such an underrated song, I can't find a full online version of it to share with you. Joe Nichols doesn't even make it possible to listen to it on his website. The best I can do is put the Pandora link to the song on here.

 Heather, Joe Nichol's wife, found this song for him. Read the back story below, from a site called Dave's Diary. 
"But Joe Nichols thanks his wife Heather for sourcing "This Bed's Too Big".

"My wife found that song." Nichols said. "She said 'You don't have any sexy songs. I can't think of any sexy songs you do.' She went out and did her own legwork and approached Victoria Shaw who is a friend of ours. She asked her for her best sexy song and she got it. She gave it to me and I thought it was a big old hit."

Mr. Nichols, if you think it's a "big old hit" you should let people hear it.

1 comment:

  1. I was just reading the other day, on a homeschool blog, I think that there's an Italian tradition that basically boils down to giving a rose and a book to your love. It's in April maybe? Anyhow, I like that idea. Doesn't have to be a book about love at all, just a book & a rose. I love the idea of that being our family Valentine's Day. I agree, it's not my favorite either. Seems so stilted.
